Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Very Interesting article.

I read this in one of the blogspots for Indian moms. It makes me wonder how my kid will do when we eventually return back to India.How Indian education would treat her. I know how education
in India is..not much encouragement for people who think and do the exams...it rather supports those who mug up the book and then dump it over the answer papers...if you have good memory then you can certainly become a doctor. but after reading this article....it makes me wonder if this is what they call as child abuse...I wish someone put a stop to this craziness before it affects the future generations.


If we put too much pressure on such little hearts and minds, wouldn't it affect their self confidence, if they are not up to the mark set by this Indian education. I hope this changes not just for the sake of my kid but every little one that has to go through this type of interviews and pressure.

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